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YB口-12/0.4 Prefabricated Box Substation


Product overview:
This product fully conforms to the standard of GB17467 "High Voltage and Low Voltage Prefabricated Substation'".It is suitable for urban public power distribution, street lamp power distribution, industrial and mining enterprises, urban buildings, residential areas, oil fields, docks, hotels, parks and construction sites, etc. It can realize ring network or terminal power supply mode.
Model and meaning:

①Prefabricated substation
②Structural feature: P-shaped; M-shaped
③Design No.
④Rated voltage of high voltage side (kV)
⑤Rated voltage of low voltage side (kV)
⑥Rated capacity of transformer (kVA)
Service condition:
◇Altitude: ≤1000m;
◇Ambient temperature: -25° C~+40°C ;
◇Temperature: Maximum monthly average temperature +30°C , maximum annual average temperature +20°C ;
◇Relative humidity: daily average not more than 95%, monthly average not more than 90%;
◇Shock-proof level: horizontal acceleration 0.4m/sz, vertical acceleration 0.15m/s;
◇The installation site has no severe impact, no serious pollution and chemical corrosion, no conductive dust and explosion risk,please negotiate with our company to solve when it does not meet the requirements of normal operating conditions.
Product structural feature:
◇This substation is composed of a high voltage room, a transformer room, and a low voltage room, which can be arranged in the form of a screen type or a product type;
<> Equipped with terminal, ring network or dual power supply mode;
◇Can be made into a single or dual transformer power supply scheme;
◇ Oil immersed power transformers and dry type power transformers can be selected;
◇The box is equipped with sufficient natural ventilation and insulation measures to ensure the normal operation of all electrical equipment (forced cooling can be used if required by users);
◇ The "five prevention" functions are complete, easy to operate and maintain, and the operation is safe and reliable;
◇The shell material is stainless steel, aluminum alloy, cold rolled sheet, color steel composite plate, non-metallic or a combination of both, which is resistant to aging, flame retardant, anti-corrosion, waterproof, dustproof, and has long-term outdoor use conditions;
◇Small size, light weight, beautiful appearance, and harmonious environment;
◇When using SF6 load switch cabinets, the overall size of the box transformer is small, making it more suitable for community construction and street light engineering renovation.
◇The high-voltage ring network cabinet can be equipped with a network automation terminal (RTU) to achieve reliable detection of short circuits and single-phase grounding faults, and has the "four remote" function, which is convenient for upgrading distribution network automation.
Technical parameters

Installation size diagram

Ordering instruction
Users need to provide the following information when ordering:
◇ Model, capacity, quantity, color and size requirements and enclosure materials;
◇Model, performance, connection group, tapping range and impedance requirements of transformer;
◇High and low voltage side primary wiring solution, components model, specifications and requirements;Transformer oil (#25,#45, high ignition point oil)
◇Network configuration requirements of intelligent power management network or property management for box substation;
◇Service environment requirements.
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  • 热线电话 TEL:0577-27892288


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