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Top secret knowledge of switchgear that you don't know

A switchgear refers to a complete set of power distribution devices assembled from primary and secondary equipment according to a certain plan, mainly...
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Application of Ring Main Unit in Distribution System

The application of ring main unit (RMU) in urban distribution network construction and renovation is discussed in terms of development trends, types, ...
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The demand for global transmission and distribution equipment market is on the rise

North Star Smart Grid Online News: The demand trend of the high-voltage switch market to some extent depends on the development of the electricity mar...
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Transformation and application of KYN type switchgear anti misoperation locking device

With the continuous expansion and strengthening of power grid construction, handcart switchgear is becoming more and more popular and applied. KYN typ...
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Analysis of the current situation of SF6 load switches in China

According to the forecast, the final statistical load of the industrial park will reach 599MW, with a calculated load of 452MW. The existing power gri...
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Design and application of intelligent switchgear control device

The intelligent control device of the switchgear has powerful functions, and it is matched with the switchgear in an integrated layout, simplifying th...
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