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MNS Low Voltage Withdrawable Switchgear


Product overview:
This series of low-voltage withdrawable switchgear is a combination cabinet type assembled by factory using standard modules (FBA).
This series of low-voltage withdrawable switchgear is suitable for power plants, substations, petrochemical, metallurgical steel rolling,transportation energy, light industry and textile enterprises, residential communitiehigh-rise buildings, and other places. It is used for energy conversion, distribution, and control of power distribution equipment in power systems with an AC frequency of 50-60Hz and a rated working voltage of 660V or below.
This device complies with the national professional standards of GB 7251.1 "Low voltage switchgear" and JB/T 9961“L ow voltage withdrawable switchgear", as well as the international professional standards of IEC 439-1.
Model and meaning:

②New type
④Main circuit solution number
⑤Auxiliary circuit solution number
Normal service condition:
◇The ambient air temperature shall not be higher than +40°C and lower than -5°C , and the average temperature shall not be higher than +35°C within 24 hours.
◇Atmospheric conditions: The air is clean and the relative humidity does not exceed 50% at the maximum temperature of +40°C. Higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperatures, e.g. 90% at +20°C, but temperature changes should be taken into acc-ount as condensation may occur occasionally.
◇Altitude: not exceeding 2000m.
◇The device is suitable for transport and storage processes at temperatures ranging from -25°C to +55°C and up to +70°C for a short period of time (not exceeding 24h). The device should not suffer any irreversible damage at these limited temperatures and should be able to operate normally under normal conditions.
◇If the above service conditions cannot be met, it shall be settled through negotiation between the user and the manufacturer.
◇When the device is used on offshore oil drilling platform and nuclear power plant, a separate technical agreement shall be signed.
Basic technical parameter:

Switch cabinet type:
1. Power distribution center cabinet (PC): it can use EMAX, MT, 3WN, AH, ME series circuit breaker.
2. Motor control center cabinet (MCC): it is assembled by drawers of different sizes. The main switch of each circuit adopts high-grade broken plastic case circuit breaker or rotating load switch with fuse.Power factor automatic compensation cabinet (with manual, automatic and remote power factor compensation device)
Cabinet body schematic diagram:
1. Power distribution center cabinet (PC): Emax, MT, 3WN, AH, ME series circuit breakers can be used.
2. Motor Control Center Cabinet (MCC): assembled from large and small drawers, with high breaking molded case circuit breakers or rotating load switches with fuses for each circuit main switch. Power factor automatic compensation cabinet (with manual, automatic, and remote power factor compensation devices)

A power distribution center (PC) cabinet:

B Motor control center (MCC) cabinet

Combination mode diagram

Installation diagram

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