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KYN61-40.5 Armored Removable AC Metal-Enclosed Switchgear


Product overview:
KYN61-40.5 (Z) armored removable AC metal-enclosed switchgear (hereinafter referred to as switchgear) is a complete set of indoor power distribution equipment of AC 50Hz three phase with rated voltage of 40.5kV. It' s mainly used for power plants,substations and industrial and mining enterprises to receive and distribute electric energy so as to control protect and monitor the circuit, and it also can be used for frequent operation places.The switchgear meets the standards of GB3906-2006, GB/T11022-2011 and DL T404-2018
Model and meaning:

①Metal clad switchgear
④Design No.
⑤Rated voltage
⑥Type of circuit breaker: Z-vacuum; SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
⑦Rated current
⑧Rated short circuit breaking current
Main feature:
◇ The cabinet structure adopts the assembled type, and the circuit breaker adopts the handcart oor type structure;
◇ It equips with a new type composite insulated vacuum circuit breaker, and with the characteristics of good interchangeability and easy replacement;
◇ A screw nut pushing mechanism is installed in the handcart frame, which can easily move the handcart and prevent mis- operation from damaging the propulsion structure;
◇ All operations can be carried out when the cabinet door is close;
◇ The interlocking between the main switch, handcart and switch cabinet door adopts mandatory mechanical locking method to meet the "five prevention" function;
◇ The cable room has ample space and can connect multiple cables;
◇ Fast grounding switch is used for grounding and closing short circuit;
◇ The protection level of the casing is IP3X, and the protection level is IP2X when the door of the handcart room is open;
◇ The product complies with GB3906-2006, DLT404-2018 and refers to the international IEC298 standard.
Service condition:
◇ Ambient temperature: upper limit+40。C ,and the average value measured within 24 hours does not exceed 35。C ,lower limit-10°C ;
◇ Altitude: no more than 1000m above sea level;
◇ Relative humidity: daily average not more than 95%, monthly average not more than 90%;
◇ Earthquake intensity: not more than 8 degrees;
◇ Water vapor pressure: daily average not more than 2.2kPa, and monthly average not more than 1 .8kPa;
◇ Surrounding environment: no fire or explosion risk, no serious pollution, no chemical corrosion or violent vibration.
Technical parameter:
Main technical paremeter of vacuum switch cabinet

Main technical parameter of vacuum circuit breaker

Switch cabinet outline size:

Switch cabinet installation:
◇ Height of the electrical room:≥4500mm;
◇ Distance between the back of the cabinet and the wall:≥1500mm;
◇ Flatness of the foundation frame:≤1mm/me;
◇ The embedded channel steel of the foundation shall not exceed 3mm above the ground;
◇ It can be fixed on the foundation by bolting or welding;
◇ Switchgear weighs about 1800kg;
◇ Width of switchgear operating corridor (single column):≥3000mm, double column (face to face)≥4000mm.
Ordering instruction:
Please specify when ordering:
◇ Main circuit solution number, purpose, single line system diagram,arrangement diagram and distribution room layout diagram;
◇ Auxiliary circuit wiring schematic diagram, terminal arrangement diagram;
◇ Type, specification and quantity of electrical components in the switchgear;
◇ Requirements for control, measurement and protection functions of switchgear and other latching and automatic devices;
◇ If bus tray connection is needed between switchgear or incoming line cabinet, specific data such as rated carrying capacity of bus tray, span of bus tray and height from ground shall be provided;
◇ When accessories and spare parts are needed, the model and quantity should be put forward;
◇ Switchgear used in special environmental conditions should be detailed when ordering.
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  • 热线电话 TEL:0577-27892288


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